What do you know about the modern Point of Sale (POS) System?



A Point of Sale (POS) is where a retail transaction is calculated, finalized and completed. A POS system is one of the most crucial components of a retail management system. Since managing transactions is a critical business function, it becomes inevitable for retailers to invest in a highly-efficient POS system. Read More…

The main Role of Inventory Management Software in Any Business!

Inventory management can also be associated with the accounts and management departments of the organization to ensure smooth and effective operations. Let’s go over a few advantages that Inventory Management offers to business: https://www.ginesys.in/blog/main-role-inventory-management-software-any-business



Transfer Rates for Non-Inventory Items can now be picked up from the Delivery Challan itself

In case of any transfer, in Ginesys retail software, the item rates are picked up directly from the price list irrespective of what was provided in delivery challan.

But in case of non-inventory items, the transfer rate cannot be fixed in price list always. [click to continue reading…]