How your POS solution can boost sales during a slow season


Every Retail business faces ups and downs in terms of sales and it is important for Retailers to draw up a game plan in order to tackle the lack of sales during a slow period and one important thing that retailers can do is to find ways to increase sales with POS solutions. There are a lot of things that Retailers can implement on their part to tackle slow sales and one very important tool that they can use is the POS solution that they have implemented in their respective business. LET US LEARN ABOUT FEW OF THESE IMPLEMENTATIONS.

How Point-of-Sale Data can help reduce inventory and improve vendor performance



Many Retailers are now seeing the merits of providing more POS information to their vendor community in an effort to help better manage proper inventory levels and collaborate with their various trading partners. Retailers are also expecting more from the vendors in return, with the focus being on accountability and vendor score carding to increase key performance indicators. READ MORE

Does Your Retail Business Need a New POS Software? Watch Out For these Signs

In today’s retail environment, POS systems play a major role in the success of businesses both large and small. Even though the importance of POS systems is clear, it is still a touchy topic for small business owners. The main reason for this is the large investment required at the time of implementing a new POS system, but what retailers don’t realize is that holding on to an outdated POS system leads to revenue loss. The main highlight of POS systems is that they pay for themselves within a few years of implementation, making it an investment worth the time and effort of the retailers. It is important to identify an outdated POS system that could potentially be holding your company back from achieving its true potential.

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Manage Your Cash Flow with POS – An Effective Guide for Retailers

One of the key factors for any business to grow is an Effective Cash Flow Management and this is where most of the retailers fail to meet the expectations. Cash flow is essentially a process that tells you how much cash one has on hand at any given time, and cash flow management helps the retailers prepare for the future. Cash flow has a role to play in both paying what you owe and measuring one’s income. The main problem rests in the fact that all these activities are too much for businesses that still use traditional bookkeeping systems.

One of the easiest ways of achieving this is with the help of Point-of-Sale, which allows businesses to not only save time but also helps them identify the trends that can make the business successful.

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Barcode System – A Need For Every Apparel and Clothing Retailer

In today’s business environment, the bar-coding technique is not only limited to supermarkets, but it’s had an impact on every sector including the online global market. Business first realized the potential of barcodes when it was first created as a grocery store retail solution and it soon spread into other sectors like warehouse management. Barcode scanners have become a way of life and a necessity in every business environment. Hence it is very important for businesses to incorporate a POS and inventory management software.

In complex order to further emphasize the importance of having a bar-coded inventory merged with your Point-of-Sale Software for Retail, the following highlights should be enough to clear all doubts and uncertainties-

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